This Blog is about

love. work. play. stress. learning. failing. succeding. laughing. crying. Basically, Life.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Long absence

Yes I know I haven't been updating and it looks like my updating is going to be sparse until I get a little more time.

School's started and life's gotten busy... just this weekend, I've got reading for thesis, a 4 page paper worth 20 percent of my grade, 2 homework sets for a particuarly hard class, reading and preparing to lead discussion for a seminar and language homework- for a class i'm not even officially registered for.

I seem to have more work than I have number of hours in a day for. So until you see me again I'll be at my desk.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

my room has finally reached some semblance of order and with that, the sense of urgency that usually occupies my life has unusally departed. Just for these few days there are no classes. Just for these few days, there is not much that I can do or should do.

two of my roommates are currently doing some serious moving in and unpacking. Being that I'm going to be here nine months, I've decided against investing that much physical and emotional energy into my room... so it's going to be nice, but definitely nothing like my housemates' rooms.

Seeing my housemates, I always wonder if I should be more involved with university life. Compared to them I do nothing but academics. Then again to me, what i do is more fun than what they do for fun. I wonder if the people who read my resume would see it that way.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

my room is officially a mess.

There's stuff all over the floor and the desk, two huge cardboard boxes filled with random junk and a coupla empty boxes and shelves lying around. This is despite the fact that I probably own the least out of all my roommates.

I hate packing and moving in and out. Now you know why. You know, for someone who hates packing and living out of suit cases and unpacking, I do a lot of travelling.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


is where I finally am and and undergoing intensive days of mj training and advising. That actually is the shortened title for peer advisors for freshmen so no, i'm not turning into the more famous mj.

I am extremely jetlagged so what I've been doing is unpacking bit by bit when I'm not at peer advising - which is nearly never. It's pretty hot in providence too and cold only at night when the weather figures out I don't have a comforter or any blankets.

Yep. This is going to be an extremely short post because i haven't got back to the point of being able to think coherently yet.