In the midst of all the work that I 've been doing, I've come to the dawning realization that I'm losing my first language - English.
I admit that that is at first glance not only ironic but seemingly impossible. I'm losing english because I moved to America? Land where everyone speaks english? Trust me. It is true.
To begin with, land where everyone speaks english is also land where in general people may speak english but their vocabulary is not necessarily that large or gramatically correct. I definitely had a larger exposure to vocab and good grammar back in Singapore (Being in Humanaties might have had something to do with that.)
In addition to that, I work primarily with numbers. I haven't written an essay or played with words in a long time. Lastly, English is now my work language. What I mean by that is in picking up Japanese and such, for fun I play japanese games, listen to Chinese music, and watch Japanese TV so I have no greater exposure to English. Although arguably the media is not the best place to increase my english vocabulary.
There was a time when words came as easily to me as breathing. I need my words back.
This Blog is about
love. work. play. stress. learning. failing. succeding. laughing. crying.
Basically, Life.
I feel like that too, honey. Maybe you need to read more *grin*
Darling, you have a blogspam problem...
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