This Blog is about

love. work. play. stress. learning. failing. succeding. laughing. crying. Basically, Life.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

let's see.. playing catch up.. what's happened so far:
Sinch bought me dinner on saturday night as a "birthday present"
studied in tealuxe practically the whole weekend! on friday night with filipa.. although we talked more than studied.. hee hee.. on sunday night with sinch who came by later.. and on monday afternoon! and the reason for all that? midterm. today.. and I'm still not done. I hate tuesday midterms. they always occur with me being exhausted from working the night before. yesterday work was extremely tiring.. we did decide that next week.. we are going to dye all the food GREEN. hee hee. it's for St.Patrick's Day.. I'm going to have to find something green to wear.. unfortunately the only thing I have green that I can remember off the top of my head is a dartmouth shirt which I'm not even sure if I have it here... hmm.. oh well..
let's see what else.... I've made a conscious decison not to go to ANY accounting sections. can't be bothered. don't want to do the extra homework for two extra little points. hmm... I might go to extra Japanese today where they read a passage. it sounded like fun. I also have to decide about Shakespeare on the Green today. I mean I want to go to audition. but at the same time I don't know if I can afford the time. i mean I suppose I could always go for fun and then not go to call backs if I decide not to do the thing.... hmm... I really want to do this but I'm nto sure I can afford the time..
I also really should get started on the Japanese research paper research thing.. although at this moment I'm very tempted to simply write a final.
need to call mum and tell her I've decided to take my friends out to lunch on my birthday. *grin* I thought it would be fun. Seriously I wonder how my friends are all going ot interact on my birthday. realised I don't have very many friends "outside" the group. or rather good frineds I guess. I "know" lots of people I just don't really consider them close...

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