This Blog is about

love. work. play. stress. learning. failing. succeding. laughing. crying. Basically, Life.

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Wow. Finally a decent blog entry from both D and J. Definitely kudos to J though, I've missed your social commentaries. I shan't post my looong replies to your blogouts. but I will give my response here :-p kinda like a email thread except online huh?

On Singaporeans:
Yeah, I definitely see the big gap, but then I think I've always known it because my family actually has people in both sides of the Singaporean population: to be politically correct, the cosmopolatian and the heartlanders. I found myself explaining this in Japanese to my host family in Japan. That I wasn't really one of the "typical" Singaporeans. What disturbs me more than that though, is that I'm beginning to feel that not only do I not fit in with the heartlanders, I don't even fit in in the elite here anymore. It's really hard to keep a grip on being Singaporean and belonging somewhere when that happens.
Most of my friends back in brown aren't singaporean. Met up with A today who said the same thing, that most of her friends weren't singaporean and she didn't understand why so many singaporeans came so far only to hang out and talk only to other singaporeans. So J, you're in good company there, at least we're meeting new people. At the same time, Ay this morning commented to me that I always intrigued her because I had such a broad worldview. I guess what I'm really trying to bring across is that I'm beginning to feel more and more a global citizen rather than a local one and that has both good and bad points.
Since the good is obvious, well, the bad is that I feel more and more out of place everytime I go home. Met up with old classmates the other day and began to realize that even though they were "elite", I felt decidedly out of place. So far, I think I was the happiest in Japan, but then I didn't really had to "live" in Japan. I got to hang out with Jp, B and C. Americans in an asian world. And not American Americans either, but ones with a broad liberal world view. I guess for now I have a year or so yet to decide where I belong.
So J, maybe we can form a classification of our own? :-p I have a number of friends that fall under that catergory and they're my better friends.

On anime:
Not all anime is good. I'd be the first to admit that. I like and admire what can be done with the medium but I think of anime as that, a medium and not a genre. The difference? a genre is like horror, or fantasy. A catergory wheras a medium is more like watercolour, film, text. So Anime for me is precisely that, a medium. What comes out of it depends on how good the director, the artist, is. I really like the Utena movie. I really like certain animes and what are done with them. and what I really like I guess are the adult animes. the ones that deal with humans, with what might be dark in human nature, with serious issues :-p

on LOTR 3:
loved the scenery and landscape. advertisment for new zealand really. I really must go see Jd sometime in New Zealand. More thoughts on this later got to go.

Saturday, December 27, 2003

had lots of fun.. way too much fun this weekend
went out for supper with sinch and derek on friday night ice cream and got back at 2am
went out last night (sat night) for dinner, and then arcade games.... para para was fun. lol at least I'm good at timing although the usual beng kids are lots better at hte dance part..and we played bishibishi bash.. back to being kids. and then we went to karaoke.. (japan is cheaper and better) and then we went for supper and then we went to listen to beautiful jazz at harry's... *grin* and today we're going for tea.

lol I love doing the usual fun stuff...

Monday, December 22, 2003

more up to date long thought out entry at home on my computer that will be posted later but needed to rant.

AAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! okay that was my primodial scream if I spelt that right. just received an email from m and they signed a lease for a house that is 575 a month with an extra 150 for heat and not including electicity and internet. Plus I'd have to pay a 500 off campus housing charge. I CAN"T AFFORD THAT KIND OF MONEY. so i either have to find a way to afford it or leave the girls stranded and go into the lottery for a single alone. Neither of which I really want to do. but I may not have a choice at this rate. Why doesn't anyone have any SENSE? AArgh my only faint hope is that the lease is not for the entire year. which I seriously doubt. aargh.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Yeah for those of you who don�t already know I sprained my ankle two days before I was supposed to fly out from Japan. And changing planes when you can barely walk.. correction limp or hop, is NOT fun. Lol. Actually hobbling around town trying to run all my last minute errands was interesting too. If you actually take the whole ancient Chinese thing that interesting is a curse rather than a blessing :-p. Anyhow, since I�m suffering from a lack of blogging out here in the hinterlands of Kuching. Here goes:

On Thai Airways: I have to admit the food was good even if the plane wasn�t. I mean I actually finished their noodles.. but the really taker? Nama Wa Gashi for tea!!!!! That�s the made that very day version of Japanese dessert that is served with tea ceremonies. Yummy.

On Leaving Japan: It�s barely been a week and I�m suffering from food withdrawal. I NEED the healthy eating clean cut kind of food I was getting.. eek. In addition there�s also shopping and karaoke withdrawal but to a much less degree. I also miss my friends from there Waaaay too much, more than I�m supposed too since I don�t miss my friends at brown that much despite not having seen them for almost a year rather than a week. So if anyone tells you absence makes the heart grow fonder, kick them in the shins. Actually there�s a perfectly logical explanation that I KNOW I�m going to see my brown friends again and I might not ever see my KCJS friends again but�.. at the moment that�s not helping.. much.

On Kuching: There�s definitely less and less to do everytime I come here. :-p I mean I�ve done all the touristy things.. about a million times. So there�s not much left to do or buy. And while I like most of the people here.. well let�s just say I learnt some interesting lessons that not everyone here has learnt like even if the place you live in is small, your world doesn�t have to be small. I suppose it�s a good reminder to have. The interesting thing is that ultimately whether you�re in small town in Malaysia or in America is that it�s so easy to get caught up in the little issues and think that just because these are the important things to your life they are to everyone else. Maybe not just small town people but everybody has to watch to fall into this trap. Not that personal little things aren�t important but I think it�s a matter of learning to be large with your heart so that little things that are praise or helping others become important but little complaints are forgotten.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

back in school probably for the last time today. and it's kinda sad that I'm leaving. it really does feel like home when you have a small center where everyone knows everyone and I really liked the opportunity to make friends. I've made some good friends after only being here for four months so just to say it's been fantastic. I hate goodbyes so I tend to ignore them. :-p not exactly the best attitude to have huh?
so here I am in an internet cafe somewhere along teramati doing last minute business online. lol. anyways good stuff is I:m just about done with my essays and so I should be just about done with school. on the other hand Im not entirely satisfied with them. then again I never am..

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Alright here comes long responses to everbody's posts. or at least kind of thought out ones I hope.

on homosexual marriage:
you can do that in Massachusetts now if you want. you can get a civil union in vermont but you can actually get married now in Massachusetts :-p I think it's a good thing. and yeah I don't think the dynamics in a relationship are the same at all but I've also seen guy-girl relationships with unconventional dynamics I think so I think it's all in the individual couples. and why do i have more bi/gay/les/ friends than I have straight ones? and yes I have tried to decide if I could ever possibly be bi, but haven't yet met a girl I wanted yet.

on america:
I agree. Unless you go to a liberal university you'll find that most of the people you meet don't have a very cosmopolitian or very free mindset. London is much much much more liberal in that sense and I felt more comfortable there than I had ever been in the US which was supposed to be the liberal one. Luckily enough I chose the most liberal university you can get on the east coast and I don't encounter much of the prejudice and stuff in daily life.

on rpging group:
Lol. I agree about the halfling thief thing simply because I recog. that i have a lot of the thief elements in me. but I would never make it as one just based on my dex skills. :-p. why halfling though? but the rest are mostly dead on. lol

on god:
yeah well.. you all know my views on this kinda.

on IRS:
lol. I had some good times with IRS. also some bloody long bizarre nights. doing a year long project should not be advocated for 10 year olds no matter how smart they're supposed to be.

on fujitsu:
all I can say is one word "sexy"
that alone makes it worth the price.

on Mary Sue:
one of the good ways to write is to write what you know, and lots of times we need to insert bits of ourselves and our emotions into our characters in order to make them believable. In some way, every character you write is a part of you.

on Writing:
I do it only when i feel like it or have the time which is almost never. sad but true. I don't have the depth of carefulness it takes to be a writer. or rather I know it's wrong but I don't have the patience to slowly work it out. same with the way I draw.

on Utena:
I would summarise it like this: Once upon a time, there was a girl who met a prince who gave her the hope and will to live. She decided that when she grew up, she wanted to be strong and true just like the prince. This story is about how this girl lives and keeps her dream even as she discovers that the reality her dream was based on does not live up to her dream.


1. Full name: I'm not putting my name up :-p if you know who I am you know who I am.
2. Nicknames: This one's been over done too. trust me you know my nicknames.
3. Eyes: black
4. Height: 160 cm
5. Hair: black. white and gold stray strands. but black.
6. Siblings: two
7. Do u like to sing in the shower?: yep
8. Do u like to sing in the toilet?: nope
9. Birthday: 16 March
10.Sign: pisces
11. Address: again if you know it you know it.
12. Sex/Sexuality: f/straight.
13.Righty or lefty: right. lean towards left.
14. What do you want in a relationship most?: too many things
15. Have you ever cheated on someone: hmm... nope. don't think so.
16. Martial status: single
17. Do you have a car?: nope
18. What kinda car do you have/want?: is this a fantasy thing? cause I want a cool car that can fly like the tv show with that talking car
19. Movie: hmm... no idea. last movie i really liked was finding nemo
20. Song: too many
22. TV Show: ooh... so many, hmm.. will and grace, at the moment I really like Trick too.
23. Actor: none
24. Actress: none
26. Number: none
27. Cartoon: too many. does anime count? utena movie.
28. Disney: non-disney but anastasia..
29. Colour: blue
30. Do you plan on having children: ask me this in the future
31. Do you want to get married: hmmm.. tough decision. if i meet the right guy
32. How old do u wanna be when you have your first child: see question 30
33. How old do u wanna be when your married: Sheesh. enough with the marraige questions already.
34. Would you have kids before marriage: if I wanted to yeah
35. Do you have a b/f or g/f: nope
37. Do you have a crush: nope
38. Music/TV: music
39. Guys/Girls: guys
40. Green/Blue: blue
41. Pink/Purple: purple
42. Summer/Winter: winter
43. Night/Day: night
46. Weird saying I have: too many :-p practically everything I say
47. What skool do u go to?: brown
48. have you ever taken drugs?: no
49. What's a major turn on for you?: a sense of humour
50. How far would you go on a first date: how good a first date?? hmm? I would french kiss a guy. I think.
51. The PERSON you know who is: lol
Funniest: James
Happiest: Jon because he has ness
Strangest: lol erm.. too many of them it's hard to decide. Chris possibly
Most Caring:
TALLest: not sure.. I don't measure...
Smartest: in what way?
52. Best All Around Person:
53. What do you think of soul mates?: you're damned lucky if they exist and you find one
54. is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: if it's alright with the bf/gf yeah.
55. what was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?: too many things. might have been a tv show
56. what's something about guys/girls you don't get?: eh? erm... lots of things I think.. about both.
57. are you happy?: yeah
60. Love or lust: both :-p
61. Silver or gold: silver
62. Diamond or pearl: diamond
63. Sunset or sunrise: sunset
64. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping (to swim in the nude): nope eh.. well except for an onsen
65. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: not really
66. Do you have any piercings?: yeah
67. What colour underpants are you wearing?: at the moment? black
68. What song are you listening to right now?: none. the purr of the heater
69. What are the last four digits of your phone number: which one? 2418 now.
70. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: everywhere
71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: myself :-p
72. What's your favourite sport?: prob. something that's not really a sport, like sky diving or parasailing
74. What makes you happy?: food. shopping. meeting new friends. hanging out iwth friends.
75. What's the next cd/s you're gonna get/buy?: hmm.. tough choice. whatever I find on sale
76. Do u wear contacts or glasses?: contacts
77. What's the best advice given to you?: live your own life, as long as you're happy with it.
78. Have you ever won any special awards?: eh? what kind? lots of misc ones when i was younger and more intelligent
79. What are your future goals?: nothing at the moment.
80. Worst sickness u ever had?: hmm.... can't remember one.. never been hospitalised.
81. Do you like Funny or scary movies better?: funny
82. On the phone or in person?: in person
83. Hugs or Kisses?: both!! I love hugs but I get kisses rarer so def. both.
84. What song seems to reflect you the most: eh? at the moment I really like onna no kisetu.
85. If you die tmr who wud u leave everything u own to?: I don't own anything that great
86. Do u have any enemies?: don't think so.
87. What is your greatest fear?: I don't know
88. Would you rather be rich or famous? : rich
89. What time is it in Albania now?: no idea
90. Have you ever been in love?: possibly.
91. Have you met santa?: yeah
92. If E.T. knocked on your door holding up a peace sign asking to use your phone?: sure. why not.
94. Do u have any pets?: nope
97. Are you an alcoholic?: nope
98. Who sent this to you?: no one lol. well jon first but I got this off d's website.
99.What do you think of these persons: honestly? weird but cool.
100. Do u want your friends to write back?: *shrug* whatever.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

update: still sick and in the center trying to write papers. yeah pretty much nothing has changed. And there I was hoping I had miracle healing powers.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

It's official. I'm sick. and not in the mind way.. just the body way.. although some might disagree. In any case, here I am having done a test and typing away at my Noh paper.. or at least that's what I should be doing. And thinking now if only i can get my papers all done so I can get some rest.. or is that even going to happen :-p *sigh*

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

half dead and slowly getting to all the way dead. I have a headache, cramps, a sore throat and a ton of work to do. I also can't think and am suffering from serious lack of sleep. with a final tomorrow. whee
ack just wasted away an hour and a half so now i have no time to actually do anything to add to my noh paper. oops. I have to go teach soon. but i haven't done anything to my noh paper :-p

Monday, December 01, 2003

I want to come back next year for internships but all the applications are due before school starts. what do I do?