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Friday, January 14, 2005

I just spent an hour and a half getting my computer screen to work today. *sigh* if this is the pattern of how it's going to be for the rest of the semester I'm soo screwed. What if one day it just won't work?

So I'm thinking of two alternatives right now. 1. I get my computer repaired. IBM says it will be between 200-600... chances are 600 since that's how much a replacement screen should cost. *sigh*
2. I could get an lcd screen to hook up my lap top to. Which would cost between 200-300.. so significantly cheaper. The drawbacks are that I'm not sure this would work yet... since the last time I tried to hook my lap top to a projecter it had some issues too. Two, I would have to store this when I move too. Presumably this would be my new computer screen and that I would be getting a desktop eventually. I would also be deskbound for the rest of my career. Ah well...

Choices choices...


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