This is becoming a recruiting blog more than anything else.
Anyway received an email today and I'll be going down to final rounds in New York for Lehman on friday!
For those who are still keeping track... this week's schedule looks like this:
M- midterm in my hardest class
T- Goldman Interviews in New York
W- a break.... (i think.. so far try to do my homework)
Th- Cornerstone Interviews in Boston
F- Lehman Interviews in New York
WkEd- study like crazy
whoo hoo.. three second round interviews in one week. sounds like fun huh? Still waiting for McKinsey to get back to me about whether or not I got second rounds. Also waiting for Bain to formally reject me from the interview process or the less likely option- make me an offer. Oh and being that I just named two out of the three.. waiting for BCG to decide if they want to grant me a first interview. (BCG is slower to recruit this year compared to the other two)
Really really sick of recruiting at this point. Yes I know they're paying for my train tickets to New York but at this point it looks like 20 hours on the train in one week. Unless Lehman makes me fly... which would be even more stupid because that would actually land up taking longer.
Really just want a job offer so I can reject everybody else. :-p Also having a crisis of conscience or rather choice - do I really really want to work in investment banking??
This Blog is about
love. work. play. stress. learning. failing. succeding. laughing. crying.
Basically, Life.
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