This Blog is about

love. work. play. stress. learning. failing. succeding. laughing. crying. Basically, Life.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

I just spent a whole weekend doing nothing but work and sleep. *sigh*
i can't remember the last time I did anything for a break, just for fun. Sometimes it really seems like my life is just one hectic mess, living from day to day with no end in sight.

I am skipping my gres tomorrow. I paid the money but I really just can't afford the emotional and mental stress or the time.

"You want to know how I did it? This is how I did it, Anton: I never saved anything for the swim back." - Gattica. That of course, only works if you have that kind of burning will to live.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

I have just about decided not to do my gres. I'm supposed to take it on Monday.... but i haven't had the time to touch my books, and I'm seriously running myself down so that I don't have the energy to do my homework much less do the gres. In any case, if i don't take it, it's money but money is replacable - the score would affect me for life.

Other than that- I have an interview in new york again wed, two interviews on thursday and then I leave for conneticut for dinner with Mck. Interviews with Mck the next day and then I return to providence, hopefully in time for my seminar.

the following week is gs's third rounds in New York again. I'm starting to memorize the amtrak schedules. As you can tell, I don't have much time to do work at all.

*sigh* I just really want one particular job offer so I can drop most of the rest.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


I'm so damned tired and I still have boston tomorrow, a phone interview tomorrow night and new york on friday and I have my gres monday and i haven't done any work for it and I just want to scream. Also definitely forget the schoolwork I'm flunking all my classes this semester. well or at least Bs and nobody else understands cause everyone is like you should be grateful you're getting Bs instead of Cs or failing and a B is not the end of the world.

also am sick of travelling. don't want to go to new york on friday and next tues or wed. willing to go to boston because I actually *like* the company. honestly I just want to quit recruiting but I can't because I feel like I should apply to all these companies. *sigh*

I don't feel like a student anymore. I'm not learning anything. can't companies recruit during winter break??

Monday, October 25, 2004

yet more callbacks

So i totally screwed up my midterm this morning with not having enough time to finish it.... but my priorities are all screwed up because i got phone calls.

the first was from morgan stanley who I thought already rejected me but apparently the asia-pacific office wants me in their final round interviews so it's nyc again for me next wed. the second was McK !!!! *grin* they wanted to know my office preferences but I'm definitely coming back for second rounds with them... so it's like I get a second chance after I screwed up Bain. People have been telling me that it might not be as bad as I thought it was because apparently they may have designed it to make you feel that bad but ai...

So yeah, 3 interviews this week and so far GREs and two interviews next week. and when I say interview I really mean four interviews in one day kind of interviews so multilpy everything by four or five :-p

byebye classes! :-p

Sunday, October 24, 2004

This is becoming a recruiting blog more than anything else.

Anyway received an email today and I'll be going down to final rounds in New York for Lehman on friday!

For those who are still keeping track... this week's schedule looks like this:

M- midterm in my hardest class
T- Goldman Interviews in New York
W- a break.... (i think.. so far try to do my homework)
Th- Cornerstone Interviews in Boston
F- Lehman Interviews in New York
WkEd- study like crazy

whoo hoo.. three second round interviews in one week. sounds like fun huh? Still waiting for McKinsey to get back to me about whether or not I got second rounds. Also waiting for Bain to formally reject me from the interview process or the less likely option- make me an offer. Oh and being that I just named two out of the three.. waiting for BCG to decide if they want to grant me a first interview. (BCG is slower to recruit this year compared to the other two)

Really really sick of recruiting at this point. Yes I know they're paying for my train tickets to New York but at this point it looks like 20 hours on the train in one week. Unless Lehman makes me fly... which would be even more stupid because that would actually land up taking longer.

Really just want a job offer so I can reject everybody else. :-p Also having a crisis of conscience or rather choice - do I really really want to work in investment banking??

Friday, October 22, 2004

Recruiting update

I think i completely blew my bain interviews yesterday from being too nervous. Definitely a big disappointment in myself because I could have done so much better... having interviews in a hotel room on couches definitely threw me off. My friends have been trying to make me feel better by saying that hey you made it to one of ten that's pretty amazing in itself but it's def. the case of so close and yet so far. Ah well.

Tuesday I'll be in New York interviewing for GS... they're paying for my train ticket, taxi fare and possibly food :-p. Wed or Thurs I'll be in Boston interviewing for cornerstone. (since it's my fault that i'm not on campus when they interview second rounds here... they don't have to pay for anything) and that's all the second rounds I have so far.

I'm turning down a first round for the first time because I will be in New York.. and the score right now? is something like 15 applications, 9 first rounds and 3 second rounds... of course a fair no. of those haven't got back to me yet so I think the total right now is somewhere around 5-6 rejections total. No offers yet.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I got my first second round!!!!

it's with GS whose interview was yesterday.... whee.... they do firmwide hiring so they're making me interview with the equity and financing group... my preferences were investment management and ficc.. so now i have to go read up on that stuff.

Of course I also have an interview in like a coupla hours i should really prepare for. and one tomorrow. and erm... more apps due on thursday.
but for now... whee...

Monday, October 18, 2004

*sigh*... so so far this week I've done one Pre-interview reception, one interview and handed in a five page paper. I also have a midterm tomorrow, another interview and another pre interview thing plus another interview on wed, and helping out at the sophomore concentration forum on wed. aaargh. and that's only half the week! Something tells me I should just drop ALL my classes.


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I hate interviews

I always get all nervous and say the wrong things. AARGH.
So far I think I've screwed up all the interviews I've had, and two more this friday.


Monday, October 11, 2004

my professor just died.

no honestly, I came home from maine (which was beautiful btw and I shall blog about it some other time but.. ) and I got an email saying he passed away on saturday of a heart attack. Now, they're trying to figure out what's going to happen to my course.

I was debating dropping the class in order to cope with my insane schedule so I guess I could drop the class but at the moment i definitely feel a bit strange. This is definitely not the kind of thing that you expect to happen to you. So yeah, a little in shock.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Exam in an hour

and I haven't done a thing for it yet.

In any case last night I came up with a score card. which at the moment reads 11 Resume submissions, 10 cover letters, 3 first round interviews, and 2 rejections. These are the scores of what I have already applied for and done. I swear applying for jobs is taking up more time than any of my classes.

*sigh* back to studying.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

If you're wondering why I'm never around anymore.. let me just assure you that even if you live right across from me you would hardly see me.
my insane class load is definitely taking it's toll on sleep and everyting else. It seems getting 5hours of sleep a night is becoming the norm in addition to never getting enough of my work done to actually do anything fun.

I think part of the reason is that every weekday night I dress up in a suit and go to some info session on a particular company. And when I'm not in class or at a info session, I'm desperately trying to compose cover letters for job applications. Speaking of which i have 3 job inteviews on wednesday, which means 4 hours in the career center because I didn't want to run right from one intevew to the next considering that might not be too endearing. "Yes.. sorry i was five min late but I was inteviewing with your competitor." *grin* They are for investment banking.... seems like at the moment I'm going to go into either investment banking or consulting.

That is of course.. if they like me enough to call me back :-p. If they do I forsee seeing a lot of new york real soon :-p