I'm supposed to be studying for my linear algebra final (which incidentally I skipped 2 math course requirements in order to take AND skipped the entire second half of classes in order to write my thesis - leading to the conclusion that I'll be lucky if I can pull this off) so of course I'm craving anything that would be a distraction or reliever of stress. At the moment, I'm craving Pad Thai.... particuarly pad thai from Pakarang which is a couple of blocks down from where I live and incidentally is closed on Mondays - today.
Because I'm not really moving very far away (Boston is a 45 min drive away), and not even to any different culture (unlike people who are going home after graduation, I forget sometimes that it really is a large change. I'm stepping from college life into the working world with set hours, daily routines and an entirely different set of priorities. Added to that, near as it may be, I will be relearning the mental maps that make a place home. Over the last four years here, I have learnt bit by bit where to eat, where to shop, where to run errands. I have made friends with various restaurant owners (*grin* if you want free food at Japanese restaurants, go with me). I have I guess learnt a system, that in a few months is going to change. I'm not sure if it's going to be a good change or a bad change yet but it is as all large changes are somewhat exciting and yet terrifying.
This Blog is about
love. work. play. stress. learning. failing. succeding. laughing. crying.
Basically, Life.
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